"Singing Holy, Holy to my one and onlyyyy" I have had this song on repeat like you wouldn't believe.. God is big into repetition. That's what I always remember when I find myself listening to the same 2 songs for 3 days straight.

1/100 This is so spot on with where I am myself right now. I find myself asking, and not in a corny or sporting one of those bracelets, but in a real way with real curiosity I find myself asking what would Jesus do? I am new to this unexpected turn of my faith. This experience of reaching, like a child to be picked up and held. Stories told through television have me wondering how do I follow? What do I do? It is this most unfamiliar, most loving peace I get to feel simply by beginning to understand the true power He holds. I went to religion class, I was raised Catholic. When I look back, I barely paid attention to anything ever if it wasn't something took me out of myself so none of whatever they were teaching us ever stuck. I feel so grateful to be 32 and just starting to have my own very personal experience. Not filtered through the understanding of any other human being. Me. Just me. He knows me. I have a certainty about that. I haven't experienced that sort of intimacy before. I always said God's my boy, he's got my back.. and I meant it. I've walked thru a lot of fear and done many hard things since I was brought to my current lifestyle. But this, this is so different and so personal and so absolutely pure. I feel like it may sound funny but I genuinely feel like He has entered my life to purify me. I am a sinner, I'm a liar, I could be considered a homewrecker to some, I'm not always thoughtful and considerate. Yet, the other day I Found myself with the desire to do so, looking people in the eye with a feeling in my heart like.. I am here, I don't need to hide or cut this conversation short. I can hold space for this person to tell me whatever they want to tell me. Granted, i've been open to having heartfelt conversations 1000 times but this, was different. To feel genuine and present like that? Is this free? Free indeed.

Thank you for writing D!!

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Amazing πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Thanks for sharing

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